How do I know if Auto-Sync is turned on?

To check this, please note you must be a tenancy admin.
  1. Navigate to your portal at
  2. Click the 'Users' option on the left hand menu and navigate to the 'User Sync' tab.

Once connected and under normal operation the 'User Sync' tab will present a screen similar to the one shown below. From here the administrator can see details of how the sync is configured and which groups are connected.

If the auto-sync has failed the 'last sync' message will be replaced with the date of the last failed attempt and the 'Active' message replaced with 'Error'. This can be a temporary issue due to a loss of connectivity with the user management system. However, if the error persists you may need to reconfigure the connection.
If you wish to learn how to set up auto-sync please click HERE

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