Automatic Course Assignment

Updated by Sam McDougall

When enabled, Automatic Course Assignment will send a course in response to the user clicking a simulation sent to them.

Shown in the flow below:

Phishing 101 is the current default for all simulations, with the exception of the below listed that have been catered to provide specific training in the event of a click:

  • AI Work Pension - Course Artificial Intelligence   
  • Google - QR Code Reveal - QR Code Attacks   
  • Google Password Reset - Passphrases   
  • MS - QR Code Reveal - QR Code Attacks   
  • MS Password Reset - Passphrases   
  • Teacher Pension - GDPR in Edu  
  • DPD iPhone - Mobile Devices   
  • Gmail IOS Login - Mobile Devices   

Please contact Customer Success to have this feature enabled.

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