Adding Users via CSV

Below is a short guide on how to upload users to your tenancy using a CSV.

  1. Navigate to the Boxphish portal on your admin account as normal here.
  2. Click on 'Tenancy' on the left-hand side.
  3. On the top tab, click 'Users' as shown below.

  1. Under 'Import Users' click 'Download Template'
  2. Open the Excel file once downloaded.
  3. Populate each column with the required user data, following the guides in Row 1. Do not write over Row 1. Please use row 2 as an example.

Once the user's details are on the spreadsheet click 'File'.

  1. Click 'Save As'.
  2. Save the document somewhere memorable and change the name of the document to something related to this task. e.g. 'Boxphish User Uploads'.
  3. On the dropdown box under the name, change the file type from 'CSV' to 'CSV UTF-8' as shown below.

  1. Click 'save'.
  2. Once saved, navigate back to the Boxphish portal and to your Tenancy page under 'Users' once again.
  3. Click on the 'Upload CSV' under 'Import users' as shown below.

  1. Now navigate to the newly saved Document, Click it and then click 'Open' in the bottom right.

This should now begin the process of importing your users. The size of the import will depend on the size of the file.

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